TisdagsTeasern: The Ocean at the End of the Lane
En av mina absoluta favoritböcker är Neil Gaimans Kyrkogårdsboken. En ljuvlig, lite skrämmande, rar och
tänkvärd historia om en pojke som växer upp på en kyrkogård och uppfostras av spöken. Ja, glömde jag säga att den är rolig och smått absurd också?
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The Ocean at the End of the Lane av Neil Gaiman |
I wondered if we had ever fallen in the water.
Had I pushed her into the duck pond, that
strange girl who lived in the farm at the very
bottom of the lane? I remembered her being in
the water. Perhaps she had pusched me in too.
Where did she go? America? No, Australia.
That was it. Somwhere a long way away.
And it wasn't a sea. It was the ocean.
Lettie Hempstock's ocean.
I remembered that, and, remembering that, I
remembered everything.
- Utdrag ur The Ocean at the End of the Lane av Neil Gaiman.
Läs första kapitlet ur boken här.
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